I forgot to add a story about not paying attention when you’re walking – no, not me! At the street corner near our apartment in Rome, the city was repainting the cross walks on the very narrow streets. A few barricades were set up, an orange truck was parked, 2 guys were painting .. you get the idea. Everyone was walking around the wet crosswalk, the guys and the truck except for one man, clearly an Italian. He was about to saunter right into the wet white paint when the Italian workers started yelling at him and waving an arm. Did this get his attention? Not at first but ,finally, and he managed to avoid the wet paint and paint buckets and sprayers. I would love to understand the Italian that came out of the painters’ mouths at that point as they shook their heads and looked dumbfounded that the guy was so clueless.
Then I forgot to put this panorama of the line around St. Peter’s Square on Wednesday of the audience. It’s a bit hard to see but the lines were on both sides of the square – one for individuals and one for tour groups.

Lines on both sides of St. Peter’s Square for admission to the audience area