Camels, cows, elephants, goats, sheep, trash, shrines, dogs, motor scooters, motorcycles, cars, trucks, push carts, bicycles … you name it, you probably find it on the roads of India. Throw in a few – or not so few – people along the way and the picture gets more complete.
DIsclaimer: Many of these pictures were taken from the car as we moved along.

Bicycles, auto-Rickshaw, people, and motorcycles all share the road.

A few goats along the way. I like the spotted one.

Autorickshaws in India are the same thing as tuk-tuks in Thailand. Bicycle powered ones are just called “rickshaws”.

This guy hung out at a busy intersection in Delhi.

Where does a cow cross the road? Anywhere she wants!

Camels are used for hauling wagons in the countryside.

She obviously needs her coffee in the morning. We saw this in Bundi, down the street from our hotel.

Baby camels are pretty cute! This group was walking down the road.
Staying within the lines on any road is completely optional as is going in only one direction on a divided highway. Want to turn across traffic? OK … just stick the nose of your car out and nudge your way across the road while blocking traffic.

Telling someone to “Blow Horn” seems pretty unnecessary! Blowing the horn must be a requirement on the driving test.
One day, we had a diversion (British for “detour”) at some point that took us through little villages that we never would have seen. The road was very bumpy, holey, cracked with a large sample of trash, shrines, cows in the road. The road took us through small villages where all the men seem to sit in groups outside of shops visiting and drinking coffee and tea, reading the newspapers, while the women do all the work.

Walking along the road and we have no idea where they were going.

This guy walked through the traffic lined up to pay tolls. He was selling snack food.

Taking grass of some sort to the animals. We never saw one tipped over but it has to happen!

An Indian countryside version of a bus. They were all going to the market town near them. Spelling was a problem!

Indian freeway. The trucks were taking gravel to a road works site. This is the clearest lane I ever saw!

This gives you some idea of the variety you see in the cities. This was Delhi.

Throw in a snake charmer or two on the sidewalks. The snakes are de-fanged.