Day 1 – boarding in Vancouver. Not a problem! We had to clear US Immigration again after spending about 13 hours in Canada! Because Mom and Susan were signed up for one room and Mark for a different one (Susan and Mark sailed on Princess in the past and got discounts on rooms their names are one.), when JB cancelled, Susan and Mark each have a room to ourselves! We got keys to each room and our cabin attendant unlocked the balcony door between the cabins. We can go back and forth.
Gloriously sunny day with blue sky for departure from Vancouver.

Blue sky and the Vancouver, BC skyline as the cruise departs
Day 2 – awoke to fog that continues pretty much all day long! At sea all day heading north with no land in site since it’s hidden in the fog.
Day 3 – Juneau – the sun came out in time for a walk around Juneau and a visit to Devil’s Run Brewery.

Juneau was covered in fog when the ship arrived about 7 AM

The fog cleared for our walk around town to the Greek Orthodox church in Juneau – all uphill!
Day 4, 5, 6, 7 – fog and heavy clouds were the operative words for 4 days. Glaciers look more blue when it’s cloudy – or so we were told!

College Fjord glaciers

Margerie Glacier in Glacier National Park

Tidal glacier in Glacier National Park

Glacier Up close!
Day 10 – the sun comes out just in time for our 8 hour trip to Denali National Park. Yes! We saw Denali!

A few caribou munched along the raod

We took the 8 hour Tundra Tour in the NP and it went as far as Mile Marker 61. This was the view on the first clear day in about 16 days!

As we left the Denali National Park about 9 PM, we could see Denali at sunset.

One of the moose along the road
Loved the pictures and stories, and have a wonderful time in Europe!
We never saw moose in Alaska – not rafting, kayaking or hiking. But now we see them in our own neighborhood! Glad you saw Denali. We lucked out and saw it too. Not many people get that. Thanks for sharing pictures!