T-shirts from Croatia
T-shirt #1 – A t- shirt for sale in a shop … “Who needs a boyfriend when you have wi-fi and pizza?” accompanied by a picture of pizza and the wi-fi symbol. They had this shirt in English and Croatian but were out of the Croatian one. I’d have bought it!
T-shirt #2 – Black shirt with black letters – “I’m a lot cooler on the Internet”.
T-shirt #3 – “Why am I so thirsty when I drank so much beer for lunch?”
T-shirt #4 – “I don’t need Google. My wife knows everything.” This one is complete with the Google colors.
T-shirt #5 – “Don’t worry. Saturday is coming.”
T-shirt #6 – “Three Wise Men – Jim, Jack, Johnny”
These are all either for sale someplace in town or we saw people wearing them.
People wear t-shirts that make no sense. We see ones from made up U.S. colleges, universities, athletic teams – wrong towns, wrong colors, wrong logos. I’d love to take pictures of all the wrong shirts!
Camp David is a real brand of clothes in Germany but we always think of Camp David, Maryland (the Presidential retreat) so it looks a bit odd to us.